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Achievers in Science Olympiad Foundation Exams

  1. Swayam Hiremath of class 9 secured 1st place in School Level & 14th in Zonal Level in Computer Science Exams conducted by SOF.
  2. Shreyas Mahale of class 7 secured 1st place in School Level & 14th in Zonal Level in Social Studies Exams conducted by SOF.
  3. Sinchana Hegde of class 10 secured 1st place in School Level in Mathematics Exams conducted by SOF.
  4. Saachi Hongalmath of class 10 secured 1st place in School Level in Computer Science Exams conducted by SOF.
  5. Poorvi Pated of class 7 secured 1st place in School Level in Mathematics Exams conducted by SOF.
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