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National Doctor’s Day

To express and honour all the Doctors, “National Doctor’s Day was celebrated at JSS SMEMS Vidyagiri, Dharwad. Dr Anand Pandurangi. Psychiatrist and Dr.Trupti Torke, Pediatrician were the guest of honour. The event started with lighting the lamp followed by chanting Dhanvantari Mantra which filled the auditorium with positive vibes.

Dr. Anand Pandurangi while adreesing the gathering spoke about time management, sustained attention, impact of gadgets and focusing on our goals. He ended the session with the thought “Think Twice, Act Wise”. It was a very informative session.

Later Dr. Trupti Torke interacted with the students and guided the students about discipline, nutrition, complete meal and the importance of personal safety. She concluded her speech with a quote by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam “Dream, Dream, Dream. Dream transform into thoughts and thoughts result in action”

Both the sessions made the students realize and understand the importance of physical and mental health.

Students from class 3 visited the SDM Health Centre in the JSS Campus.


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