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Parliament Investiture Ceremony

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The School Parliament Investiture Ceremony held on 30-6-2018. The principal of the school Smt. Renu.V.Patil addressed the august gathering and welcomed the chief guest for the day.

The student representatives were given their official responsibilities by pinning of the badges by the chief guest Smt. Snehal Rayamane, CEO, Zilla Parishad, Dharwad.

The ceremony had the oath taking by the elected officials, and picking up leadership qualities and team work.

The chief guest addressed the students and spoke on how leadership qualities are instilled in students in their school life. She also appreciated the efforts of the teachers and further put across the thought that youth empowerment will happen when girls work on improving their physical strength and the boys get more self reliant by learning the skills of cooking and cleaning.

Students walked in proudly and took up the responsibility on their shoulders and promised to abide by their respective duties.

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