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National Sports Day

JSS SMEMS Vidyagiri, Dharwad celebrated “National Sports Day” on 29th August 2024 with immense enthusiasm. A thrilling relay race was organized for high school students fostering a spirit of sportsmanship and a healthy competition.

Shrikrishna Janmastami Celebration:

Shrikrishna Janmastami was celebrated at JSS SMEMS Vidyagiri, Dharwad on 24th August with great joy. Children from primary section came dressed up as Radha and Krishna. The school quadrangle was filled with little Radhas and Krishnas . Students from high school section performed a dance and students from higher primary sang a melodious Krishna bhajan […]

Guru Purnima

“A guru takes a hand, opens a mind, and touches a heart.” On July 22, 2024, JSS SMEMS Vidyagiri Dharwad celebrated Guru Purnima with great enthusiasm. Children from the primary section came dressed up as revered figures such as Shri Shankaracharya, Veda Vyasa, Basavanna, Ramakrishna Paramahansa, Swamy Vivekananda, Mahaveera, Ganayogi Panchakshara Gawai, Savitri Bai Phule […]

Inter House Competition – “POSTER PRESENTATION”

“Behind every successful poster, there’s a story worth sharing.” JSS SMEMS Vidyagiri, Dharwad organized a poster presentation competition among its four houses on the topic  ‘Dynasties that ruled  Karnataka’. Krishna House represented the GANGAS with its culture and civilization Malaprabha House represented the KADAMBAS and their contributions. Netravati House represented the RASHTRAKUTAS’ contribution to the […]

Parliament Induction Ceremony

JSS SMEMS Vidyagiri, Dharwad inaugurated the “School Parliament” of 2024 on 16th July. Shri S H Mittalakod was the chief guest for this event held at Sannidhi Kalakshetra, Vidyagiri. Shri S H Mittalakod pinned the badges to the office bearers of the School Parliament. He read out the oath to the office bearers and spoke […]

A Skin Awareness Session by Dr. Naveen

A skin awareness session was held in Utsav Hall on 8th July 2024. Students of class 8th and 9th from JSS SMEMS attended the session which was conducted by Dr. Naveen K N. HOD, Dermatology SDM Hospital. He began the session with information about dermatology and dermatologists. He spoke about general problems faced by adolescents […]

Science Activity

Science Activity on “Finding Real Honey” by class 4 and “Aromatic Leaves” by class -3 children at JSS SMEMS Vidyagiri, Dharwad

National Doctor’s Day

To express and honour all the Doctors, “National Doctor’s Day was celebrated at JSS SMEMS Vidyagiri, Dharwad. Dr Anand Pandurangi. Psychiatrist and Dr.Trupti Torke, Pediatrician were the guest of honour. The event started with lighting the lamp followed by chanting Dhanvantari Mantra which filled the auditorium with positive vibes. Dr. Anand Pandurangi while adreesing the […]

Orientation Program for Parents of Class 1

“A parent is a teacher at home and a teacher is a parent in school and the child is the centre of our universe” JSS SMEMS Vidyagiri, Dharwad organized an orientation program for the parents of class 1 on 22nd June 2024 at Utsav Hall. The session was conducted by our Principal Smt. Renu Patil. […]

International Yoga Day and World Music Day

JSS SMEMS Vidyagiri, Dharwad celebrated International Yoga Day and World Music day on 21st June 2024 with great ferver. Dr. Venkat Reddy Huded, Physiotherapist was the guest of honour. Being a Yoga Instructor, Dr.Venkat Reddy Huded demonstrated some Yogasanas and meditation techniques for the unity of mind and body. All the children were involved in […]